These nails are just perfect for Valentines day coming up! Before applying the nail polish, I sliced up two adorable heart pieces to accent my ring finger nails!

Here's my stash of fimo nail art rods! they're too cute!

I started off with Nail Trek Maintenance + to keep my nails strong and healthy!

A layer of seche clear to make a smooth base for my pink polish.

I applied two coats of Revlon "Sweet tart" to my nails, which is a coincident since it's my baybe's fav candy of all time lol

My Konads set up

I used Konads plate m73 (floral print to the right)

After applying the konads nail art stamp and my two heart slices to my ring finger nails, I put a thick coat of Seche Vite Top coat to prevent my nails from chipping and keep my heart slices in place!

TA DAA! :) perfect pretty pink nails for valentines day!
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